Payment and Refund Policy

We will charge you a one-time full fees based on services taken for your seller account in website AEONZ SPN.

For Reinstatement services, Invoice will be raised to the clients after the seller account got reinstated. Incase of any problems and disagreements, all the issues related to these services should be resolved between the service provider and seller. Both Parties “AEONZ SPN” and “client” should never make any disputes, legal representation on this service. Understanding these terms is important because, by using our services, you’re agreeing to these terms.

This Agreement is valid from the date You:

  • Client (merchant) subscribes to this Service till minimum commitment period time over, post this time period you can decide to stop using the services offered by AEONZ SPN.

  • Cancellation, Suspension or Termination of Services by AEONZ SPN.

​Our policy is valid for a period of 30 calendar days from the date of the purchase. Our services are performed per fixed fees. We offer a full refund only if you have paid the fees and we have: 1) Not yet received the materials we have requested from you to work on your case and 2) Have not yet begun work on your case.

We offer exchanges in the form of a full credit toward future services, only in the event your e-commerce provider has reinstated your account or listing BEFORE the delivery of our work to you.

If the period of 30 days has lapsed since the purchase, we can't, unfortunately, offer you an exchange or a refund.

1. We acknowledge that Amazon holds the final decision-making authority, and they may choose to permanently ban or delay account reinstatement if they perceive your business operations as a risk to their platform. To provide an additional assurance for the services we offer, we have implemented a 70%-100% refund guarantee.

2. Our process includes up to 15 appeals to reinstate your account. However, in the rare event that these efforts prove unsuccessful, you have the option to receive a 70%-100% refund, which covers the administrative costs incurred by our team. It’s worth mentioning that most of our clients prefer to continue working with us to achieve successful account activation.

3. Please note that the refund guarantee only applies if the account remains deactivated after payment. Once your account is reactivated or opened for any reason, the refund option is no longer applicable.

4. In the event that you decide to submit your own appeal while we are actively working on your case, and your account gets opened as a result, there will be no refund offered.

5. We also offer a 70%-100% refund in the cases of a change of mind or if you feel that our processes are not aligning with your expectations. It’s important to understand that our methods have been extensively tested, with over 200,000 appeals processed successfully in the past years. However, due to the nature of our work, certain situations may prevent us from providing certain types of refunds.

6.The Service is limited to one suspension and one marketplace. Once your account has been reinstated or you violated our terms and conditions mentioned in MOU agreement, we are out of the contract. Amazon can suspend the account again for any other violations.

7.We will not take any responsibility for the services which were taken by you from any other third party service providers.

Money back guarantee will become void, if you violates our terms and conditions. Like

  • Alteration of the appeal.

  • Not complying with the points listed in the appeal. (e.g. deleting particular listings or making changes).

  • Incomplete information-sharing regarding your Amazon account.

  • Incomplete or inaccurate information about invoices, suppliers, authorization, etc.

  • Sharing our appeals on online forums, web chats, or other public domains without our written consent.

  • Going against our recommendations for contacting Amazon or re-submissions.

  • If we reinstate your account and the account gets suspended again for similar reasons, we cannot guarantee that your account will be re-activated.

  • Ceasing communication with us before your account queries has been activated or resolved.

Should you have any further questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for choosing our services, and we look forward to assisting you with your account reinstatement needs.

AEONZ SPN can suspend, cancel or terminate the service:

Without limiting its other remedies, AEONZ SPN may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or immediately terminate this Agreement and Your access to the account(s) if You fail to comply with any terms specified herein. AEONZ SPN may take such actions without providing You prior notice and at its sole discretion.

AEONZ SPN reserves the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, to suspend or terminate Services to You upon receipt of any third party complaint that You have engaged in any activity that violates this Agreement, which may otherwise subject AEONZ SPN to liability for any reason, or that may cause AEONZ SPN to incur legal fees or other expenses.

Upon termination, those provisions of this Agreement that expressly or by their nature survive will continue in full force and effect.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

This Agreement and its interpretation hereunder and all suits and special proceedings hereunder shall be construed in accordance with the applicable Indian laws and any dispute arising shall be governed by the same. The District Courts in India shall have jurisdiction to try and decide any matter arising out of and related to this Agreement. The Parties unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of Tamil Nadu, India, for settlement of any dispute or enforcement if any right under this Agreement.